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Control room East Netherlands successfully migrated

With a huge team of dispatchers, management and technicians, the Hengelo, Apeldoorn and Arnhem control rooms were migrated to the new East Netherlands Control Room on Tuesday, March 21. Control room East Netherlands is the 7th control room connected to the LMS infrastructure.

The migration started at 6:00 am with the arrival and briefings of dispatchers and the various project teams. At 09:40 the green light was given to start the actual migration. Systems in the remaining control rooms were then transferred to the new control room, with the operation also being transferred to Control Room East Netherlands. The first 112 call came in at 3:30 PM.

SafetyCT contributed to the merger of the design of three GMSs into one and to coordinating the preparations and implementation of the control room migration. “It was a huge job, with a lot of pressure, but it was also really cool to direct the migration in which so many passionate people are participating.”

We wish the employees of the East Netherlands Control Room a lot of job satisfaction.

For more information, see the following links:

  • NOS: Largest 112 control room in the country really exciting (Sunday March 20) (link)
  • RTV-Oost: Watch the largest control room is live (link)
  • NOS: This is what the control room looks like (link)
  • LMS: Successful Migration (link)