Residual coverage monitor comes on alert


At the Limburg North Region, the Residual Coverage Monitor has now been in operational use for some time. And it does exactly what it is made for. Monitoring residual coverage. Upon reaching a preset value, the monitor goes into alarm. This will alert the appropriate contacts in the region. This can be done by SMS and/or e-mail. In the future, perhaps also via paging. Once they log into the monitor, they see the situation that currently caused the alarm.

In the above images, it was at a very large fire, with several TSs sent out. In addition, two more TSs were out of service. And during that same period, there was another incident where a TS had to go. Because of all these changes in coverage, the Residual Coverage Monitor fell below the preset value and went into alarm.

It also showed the impact these changes had on the region’s coverage. The, in this case, black spots in the region indicate a less covered area. In the event of a prolonged deployment of the units, reoccupation of one or more barracks can then be considered to optimize coverage again.

Also curious what the Residual Coverage Monitor can do for your region?
If so, please feel free to contact us at